Achievement & Success

In American culture, achievement and success is heavily attributed to finances. That is why this image is the example of achievement and success because it shows a man sitting on a pile of money.

Hard Work

Hard work is represented by the person climbing, while pushing the big boulder. Success is always achieved with hard work and dedication; this person shows that by pushing such a big boulder up a hill. The boulder represents the work and the incline of how difficult it is to achieve success.

Efficiency and Practicality

Efficiency and Practicality is about finding ways to complete a task as quickly as possible with minimal wasted effort. This picture shows that instead of sticking to one way of doing something,you find another way to do it faster and waste less time doing it.

Science & Technology

The depiction of a computer with the image seen on the microscope represents science and technology. The computer represents how science is fully developed through the use of extraordinary procedures with computer systems.


This image was chosen for equality as the union of the hands and the continents in the background represent union. Around the world we have many cultures that clash with ach other and help a country function as efficiently as possible.

Achievement & Success<BR><BR><img src=””<br><br&gt;

In American culture, achievement and success is heavily attributed to finances. That is why this image is the example of achievement and success because it shows a man sitting on a pile of money.

Achievement & Success<BR><BR><img src=""<br><br>

In American culture, achievement and success is heavily attributed to finances. That is why this image is the example of achievement and success because it shows a man sitting on a pile of money.


Achievement & Success

This photo represents achievement and success because it shows a man who appears to have achieved a goal and the people below him appluading him

Hard Work

This picture represents the value of hard working because the image shows a man on a computer doing some kind of work and it appears to be late at night. Him working during the night shows that he’s making sacrafices to get his work done thus demonstrating hard work.


This photo represents freedom because it shows a hair of hands that were in chain, until the were broken granting them freedom.



This photo represents equality because it shows evryone getting the same treatment. This is often confused with equity where everyone gets fair treatment.

Group Superiority

This image represents group superiority because it shows the KKK (a group of white supremacist) holding a black man in captive. They are using the fact that theres more of them to keep him in line.


This photo represents education because it shows a teach in a classroom instucting a class of children.


This phot reprsents religiosity because it shows a group of people prasing what it seems to be a high power. A very important value to many people to give them a peace of mind.

Edward Son and Ryan Chen


This man is the true representation of solidarity and individuality, getting to the top of the highest peak and looking down on the rest of the population. He is alone at the top because no one else can get to him, showing the peak form of a person’s individuality.

Hard Work

This image is the epitome of hard work for two simple reasons. The action of lifting up the stick by the ant requires a lot of effort, an indicator of someone working hard. Furthermore, the stick probably weighs quite a bit more than the ant, meaning that the ant’s work is exponentially harder.

Efficiency & Practicality

This man is multitasking, doing multipe things at once with multiple hands. Obviously, this isn’t realistic as humans don’t have four hands, but it’s a handy representation of work efficiency, getting done the most amount of tasks in the shortest amount of time.

Material Comfort

I believe many Americans are stuck when making decision to live a slow, comforting life, or to go for even more. Many have to choose between those two options, which is why I chose the picture with the two paths leading to different outcomes.


The most symbolic sign for finished education, the graducation cap is worn by most high schoolers in America to indicate a completiton of a cetain type of education. It is easily identified as a sign of education, which is why i chose it.


As the most popular and well known religious symbol in America is the cross, the cross being right behind the American flag seems like how religion is in our country today. Relgion is not required, but its influence still is still looming.

Romantic Love

The clearest indicator of innocent romantic love is holding hands. The basic touch and connection of two people/souls is shown through such an action, which is the first step to developing true romantic love.

Evanna Perry

achievement & success

I choose this image because it displays the success of beating others and coming in first place of some king of competition.

efficiency & practicality

I choose this image because it displays the effiency of using machines instead of people to get things done quicker.

Material comfort

I chose this image because it displays a man in front of a mansion. This show how he is fitting in to the American norm of showing off his wealth with a big house and showing off his money to neighbors.


I choose this image because it shows how in America people have the freedom to be any religion they want and dress however they want also.

group superiority

I choose this image because it displays the kkk a group who thought they were superior to other races because they were the Aryan race.


I choose this image because it has a classrom of students being attentive and raising there hand when answering a question there teacher has asked

romantic love

I choose this image because its of a couple going on a date out at a restaurant and making an effort of dressing nice and spending time together

Yonas Jlelaty and Mikayla De leon

Achievement & success

This shows achievement and success because the person has reached the top. This signifies that they have completed their goal and reached a point where they were happy with their circumstances.

Hard Work

This represents hard work as it shows the effort exerted by the person in the photo. The tired and beaten hands represent a person who put effort and determination into what they were doing.

Efficiency & Practicality

This is an image of an assembly line at an American factory. An assembly line is an accurate way of portraying efficiency and practicality as in America, many companies use machines as a way to mass produce goods.

Science & Technology

A picture of the inside of Google headquarters is shown because Google is one of the most commonly used search engines, as well as a very popular technology company known throughout America.

Group Superiority

This represents group superiority as it showcases our society in regard to the distribution of wealth. It shows that one group controls the majority of wealth in the world.


This image is an accurate representation of religiosity in America as it illustrates people of multiple religions that are present in American society in their attire.

Romantic Love

This shows romantic love because you can tell that the couple are infatuated with each other and are together on the basis of romance.

Samoy Gordon and Lucero Livia

achievement & success

I chose Tyler Perry because of all the terrible thing that have happpened to him as he was a child. It didn’t stop him, he took odd jobs, saved his money, and then had a break through. He now has a successful career.

hard work

I chose Malala because she fought for young girl’s education, was shot in because of it and continued to fight for young girls education

material comfort

This picture represents material comfort by the lady laying down with her book and ipad showing how much she is relaxed


This image represents that no matter what color your skin is, everyone is the same as one another

group superiority

I chose this image because it shows a bunch of people walking against racism that black people face.


This stands out to religiosity by praying being one way of having faith in what you believe in

Saul Garcia and Lulu

Achievement and success

This picture represents achievement and success because America advertises for people to go to college and meet new people, leading to different windows.


A big part of us growing up is leaving our parent’s homes and buying ourselves a new one to build our own life.

Hard work

We put in hard work to get money out of it to buy the things we want to provide for our needs.

efficiency and practicality

Working hours put us in a state where we have to show our value and be efficient with our time so we don’t get fired.

Science and Technology

Day by day more regular jobs are turning into technology-based systems.


people vote and trust politicians to take their beliefs and ideas to higher powers.


That white paper called a diploma either from High School or College holds big weight in job & income opportunities around us.

Alliana Flores

Achievement & Success

This image reveals success in America. One major belief in America is to show off your success is through wealth and materials. For example, people can see success through how large one’s house is.


This image presents indivdualism as the group called “furries” are going out of the “social norm”. Many dress as animals to reveal a different persona. They stand by their own beliefs and do whatever they would like.

Efficiency & Practicality

In America, mass production is an example of effciency and practicality. It allows for more products to be produced and given to consumers. Additionally, mass production is efficient since it is less labor than manual work.

Material Comfort

Americans value material comfort. It reveals to others their success and how “comfortable” their living is. Additionally, it reveals how much money they have.


In America, we have 5 freedoms: religion, speech, press, right to assemble, and to petition. Americans practice these freedoms everyday and to allow their voice to be heard. One way many people get their voices to be heard is through protests. This helps Americans voice their concerns.

Group Superiority

Elon Musk is an example of a person in a group superiority. People who are wealthy and owns a big business typically buys out smaller businesses. The group superiority in businesses will allow the big companies to profit more.

Romantic Love

This image illustrates romantic love because Americans follow “Love beats all”. Americans pursue anything that makes them happy, even if it means to break an old “social norm”(having feelings for the opposite gender). Love conquers all.

Elkin Cabrera


the person is pushing the rock forward despite the situation and condition that he is in.


we can see how the person utilizes the round ball to his advantage and get the job done quicker.


the person is breaking the handcuffs meaning he is no longer attached to anything and is free to do what they want.


these people are influencing and controlling the small group


the kids are reading books that contain a lot of information from different cultures.


most people in America chose a religion to believe in, most religions have a supreme being and some others do not.


the two individuals are in love with each other and have willingly decided to get married.