Daniel Cho

Achievement and Success

This picture represents achievement and success in that a figure is shown crossing a finish line first. The
other figures in the background represent the competitive society we live today, and the red line
represents an accomplishment. Thus, the person crossing the finish line symbolizes an act of winning
and achieving a goal.


This picture represents individualism as there is a figure and person on the side that is different from
everyone else. Thus, it represnets how people can be outliers and differ from the mainstream to stand
out and get ahead. .

Science and Technology

I chose this image because today an iPhone represents a US made product that is very technologically
advanced. Technology and science today advance our society in many ways, as people are more
interconnected and educated and have more access to information.

Group Superiority

This image shows the riots in Ferguson over the death of an innocent teenager. The picture also
represents how police officers is our society today are “superior” thus exemplifying the notion of group
superiority. The police are growing to be militarized and have more power than the average citizen to
say the least. Thus, their power shows how they are above other groups in society.


This picture shows the value of education in American society. The diploma represents what people get
after finishing an undergraduate career. Receiving an education is a gateway into society and getting an
opportunity for jobs.



This picture shows how the value of religiosity is prevalent in US society today. Religion plays a large
role in all aspects of society. I chose this picture as it shows how prayer is a symbol of religion, not just
limited to Christianity but others. Thus, the picture also represents how the array of religions found in
the US use prayer and are all varied.

Maria Lancheros & Andrew Montoya

Group Superiority


We chose this picture to represent group superiority because the man is bigger than everyone else, showing how he is superior toward them, letting them know that they don’t really have power.

Efficiency & Practicality

We chose this picture to represent organization skills. It shows how when you are organized you are able to do everything fast since you know where everything is and when it is due.




We chose this picture to represent how things can be done in different ways. There will always be that person who stands out from the crowd who usually does things their way.



Romantic Love


We chose this picture to represent romantic love because the elderly couple is still deeply in love with each other after so many years.




We chose this picture to represent education and how we all go through hard work and long hours of studying to get further in life and contribute to society.


Material Comfort


We chose this picture to represent comfort becuase everyone would like a big spacious bed room where they can relax and have a nice view.

Melissa Romano & Maxine Lopez

Romantic love

This image portrays a husband surprising his wife with her favorite roses which is a romantic notion.

Group Superiority

This picture depicts a group of white males purchasing African American males. This is an older ideal yet it shows the idea that the white race is superior to African Americans just as the males were the only ones who were allowed to purchase during that time as opposed to woman.

Material Comfort

In this photograph this woman finds comfort in driving her luxurious car that she bought in order to fulfill her need for material objects.


This image depicts the American ideal that religious freedom is a right to all citizens. Here we see members of different religions joining together peacefully.


This photo shows a student who is surrounded by a negative and judgmental atmosphere but still choses to succeed regardless. This is the idea of an individual succeeding despite his environment.


This photograph shows a doctor researching stem cells which Americans aren’t generally in favor of because it allows them to beat crippling diseases.

Natalie Menjivar & Delize Deonarine


In the American society we have different freedoms that given to us in the U.S. Constitution. In this picture it shows American citizens activating their right to petition.

“material comfort”

In the American society videogames is used as a source of entertainment and is also a way to bring people of that subculture together.

“Group Superiority”

Group superiority is seen through the school systems through bullying of students aren’t considered popular.


In the American society some people try to be unique by breaking folkways. In this picture the person is in pick where everyone else is in black suits, which represents professionalism.



College is seen as the highest level of education in the United States and provides different degrees in order to help recieve future careers. In the picture it shows a typical example of a college lecture hall.

By natmen97

Lionell Binyard & Alexander LaTouche

Effiency & Practicality

Industries in America reprsent America’s fast-paced lifetsyle for getting things done as fast paced as possible.

SOARING EAGLE-1000 pixels wide

The symobl of America representing the eagle becauase we have the ability to soar high without any restrictions.

Achievement & Success


One measure of success is graduating from school because it shows a student’s ability to work hard and this earns respect in society.

Science & Technology


We chose the prius car because it is a way we implement technology in our vehicles as a sense of transportation.



Throuhout modern times of American history, there has been more equality for minorties in the workplace and education wise as well.



This shows personal achivement of a person getting promoted which shows the idea of individualism.

Ryan Ha & Stephen Park


This image represents religiosity as a core American value because it shows that the majority of the American Population look up or praise a deity of some sort. Although the hands are put together to show a prayer, religiosity in America is not limited to prayer.


Group Superiority

This image represents group superiority as it shows the act of slaughter of Native Americans by people that are more powerful than them (settlers). The Native Americans were persecuted off their land despite the values instilled by Americans for equality.The more superior settlers overwhelmed the not-so-superior Native Americans.



This image represents group superiority as it shows the act of slaughter of Native Americans by people that are more powerful than them (settlers). The Native Americans were persecuted off their land despite the values instilled by Americans for equality.The more superior settlers overwhelmed the not-so-superior Native Americans.



This image represents education in US society as the government assuredly emphasizes the value of education. In the picture, President Barack Obama is seen with a young student in an educational setting. This image represents educational value as it shows that even the President takes the time to check on students and their education. Also, education is notably correlated with how wealthy or “successful” someone can be, which is undoubtedly a virtue in the US.


Hard Work

This image represents hard work because Wall Street is an insignia of financial success, which is brought by the acts of hard work. By working hard, Americans often believe that they will end up financially successful.


Romantic Love

This image represents romantic love in US Society as it depicts a couple blindfolded while embracing. This ultimately represents that marraige is the only proper basis for romantic love and how love is blind, which tells the tale of how love blinds one of the faults of his or her loved one.


Manuel Valdez & Michelle Rios

Group Superiority

We chose this picture because the most accurate depiction in America regarding group superiority is the economic gap. It shows that the 1% own more wealth than the larger population who are not a part of the 1%. This shows that people are subjects to those from a higher socioeconomic status.



We chose this image for individualism because in the image one can see that the people who have conformed to the actions by other member of society are stuck and cannot be liberated. On the other hand, the individual who broke away and took different actions was able to find freedom and his own path to success.



We chose this image to represent equality because in the past couple of years this symbol has become the icon of marriage equality in the United States.



We chose this image to represent education because it demonstrates that education can help you branch out into different things similar to what a tree does. In school, you are given basic foundations like the arts, humanities, and social sciences. The tree depicts each one of them and shows that with those subjects the tree can flourish and so can American society.



We chose this image because it depicts three different people being spiritual with an abundance of religious symbols in the background. In America it is expected that people believe in a supreme being, regardless of the religious path they choose and this picture demonstrates just that.


Efficiency & Practicality

We chose this image because it depicts the new wave of technology that is widespread both nationally and internationally. The Iphone 6 is the model of efficiency and practicality because it allows us to do things directly from our phones with minimal effort.


By mannyv1126

Anthony Quintero & Daniel Atehortua


In this picture we see a small baby learning how to eat by himself, without the aid of his parents.

Science and Technology

Technology is coming such a big part of american culture that it seems as if its completely taking over our lives.


In this picture we see people of many different races all making the same exact pose with the same exact facial expression.


Americans value education a lot and going to college and persuing a higher education is becoming more common now, something not so important a couple years back.

Efficieny and Practicality

In order to make things more practical multipurpose tools are becoming more and more popular due to their conveniency.

Romantic Love


Romance and love is highly valued because Americans tend to marry after they fall in love contrary to other cultures.

Julia Tache and Andrew Quintero


This image shows freedom because one of our inalienable rights within this country is freedom of the press. Journalists have the freedom to express their opinions and anyone has the right to criticize what they find wrong with society. This all goes to the main value of freedom within the U.S.

Julia Tache and Andrew Quintero

Hard Work

This picture epitomizes hard work because it shows how the American Dream of coming to the U.S. and working hard for a better life is so highly valued. The people within this picture are immigrants who had to work through several challenges in order to achieve status within the U.S. They come from nothing in order to make a better life for themselves through the virtue of hard work.