Daniel Cho

Achievement and Success

This picture represents achievement and success in that a figure is shown crossing a finish line first. The
other figures in the background represent the competitive society we live today, and the red line
represents an accomplishment. Thus, the person crossing the finish line symbolizes an act of winning
and achieving a goal.


This picture represents individualism as there is a figure and person on the side that is different from
everyone else. Thus, it represnets how people can be outliers and differ from the mainstream to stand
out and get ahead. .

Science and Technology

I chose this image because today an iPhone represents a US made product that is very technologically
advanced. Technology and science today advance our society in many ways, as people are more
interconnected and educated and have more access to information.

Group Superiority

This image shows the riots in Ferguson over the death of an innocent teenager. The picture also
represents how police officers is our society today are “superior” thus exemplifying the notion of group
superiority. The police are growing to be militarized and have more power than the average citizen to
say the least. Thus, their power shows how they are above other groups in society.


This picture shows the value of education in American society. The diploma represents what people get
after finishing an undergraduate career. Receiving an education is a gateway into society and getting an
opportunity for jobs.



This picture shows how the value of religiosity is prevalent in US society today. Religion plays a large
role in all aspects of society. I chose this picture as it shows how prayer is a symbol of religion, not just
limited to Christianity but others. Thus, the picture also represents how the array of religions found in
the US use prayer and are all varied.

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