Jarrett Lee & Tiffany Wong


Education is important and shapes how Americans look and understand life, starting from very young ages.


Equality has been a struggle for many people in history, above is an image of people from different races and different sexes standing together equally, showing the breaking of boundaries of inequality.

Achievement and Success

Achievement and success are often determined by the amount and quality of wealth, luxury, and friends a person is able to obtain. In the picture above, people are riding upon a luxurious boat whilst wearing clothes of nice quality spending time with heir friends.

Hard Work

Hard work spans over everything that Americans have done. People dedicate themselves towards working, and as shown in the image above, hard work can be done by a multitude of platforms.

Efficiency and Practicality

Efficiency and practicality in our culture culminates and shows itself in our every day lives. To get places, the easiest and most efficient way is by car because it is pretty safe and you can travel long distances quickly. The car above is not only efficient in being able to get you places, but also because it is a hybrid and uses less gas consumption, saving you money.


People have a lot of freedom when it comes to living in America. The image above displays the different lifestyles that people willing chose for themselves, and how varied those choices can be.

By tiffanywong1620

Elliot, Vanessa

Science and Technology

The most important center of science and technology in America would have to be NASA and the space program, as it has provided countless innovations that have benefited the American people.

Hard Work

The coal miners of America faced some of the hardest and most challenging work available at the time, but provided the resources necessary to drive America and its industry forward.

Efficiency and Practicality

The assembly line was the most important innovation in American industry, and led to unprecedented advances in efficiency and practicality

Achievement and Success

The greatest achievement in American history would have to be the first moon landing, as it was the collaborative success of countless individuals across many different professions

Material Comfort

A large part of the American Dream is owning a large and luxurious home, as it provides great amounts of material comfort to its inhabitants.


The Bill of Rights is the most important document in America pertaining to freedom, as it guarantees individuals freedom from an overbearing government.

Catalina and Marcin

Group Superiority

We chose this picture because many Americans are ignorant of other cultures and usually think that the American culture is superior to the rest of the world. Also, many Americans are prone to discriminate other world cultures.


We chose this picture because it represents religious freedom, and it shows how every different religion should be free to practice wherever and whatever they want.


We chose this image because it shows how religion influenced our national currency throughout the history of our nation.

Hard Work

We chose this image because it represents the hard work of the daily American who works a 9-5 job and is weighed down with paperwork.

Science and Technology

We chose this picture because it shows the amazing advances in medical science and appiled technology that is helping wounded veterans in their daily life.

Material Comfort

We chose this image because it shows the emphasis on showing off our luxury items which are usually not necessary for us to live.

Rebekah Han and Justin Jeong

Achievement and Success

We chose this photo because it shows a professional looking man looking content with what he’s accomplished in life from his gesture of putting his hands up in the air.

Hard Work

An average sized man pushing an extremely massive boulder is shown in this photo. This depiction metaphorically shows how hard someone must work to achieve something.


Education is one of the top 10 biggest values in America. This picture displays a silhouette of a person who has graduated from school; clearly visible due to the cap on his head and diploma in hand.

Science and Technology

This picture depicts science and technology because it displays a girl in a laboratory coat doing something with chemical molecules.

Material Comfort

This depiction of an extremely comfortable bed with a fluffy, smooth blanket and cottony pillows shows material comfort.


This picture shows a businessman walking alone on a rainy day, depicting himself as an individual in society as he makes his way to wherever he needs to go.

Maria Henao and Kaleem Isahak

Romantic Love

This displays romantic love because it shows two people being affectionate and loveydovey towards each other.

Efficiency & Practicality

This shows efficiency and practicality because he’s using his resources adequately in a practical way. He’s using the wood accordingly in order to survive in his environment.

Achievement & Successs

This shows achievement and success because these people are graduating, finally receiving their diploma, which is what Americans consider the cornerstone of success.


Equality is displayed here because everyone in this picture is able to contribute their input. There is no discrimination against others for who they are and what they say.

Group Superiority

The Kardashians exemplify group superiority because they are celebrities who influence the lives of everyday people. They are literally praised for their high status.


This picture displays freedom because it highlights how people have the ability to express their opinions and protest against other beliefs if they desire.

By mphenao

Michelle Cho & Krishna Mulloth


The way this girl dresses shows that she does not conform to societal norms. Everyone is wearing casual, colorful clothing while the girl is wearing all black. She is showing individualism by dressing in the way she wants to.

Material Comfort

The man in the picture is finding comfort in being surrounded by money. The money is the material that provides comfort.

Achievement & Success

This picture of Michael Phelps holding one of his Olympic gold medals shows his achievement and success as an Olympic swimmer. In the picture, Michael Phelps looks proud of his accomplishment for winning first place and earning a gold medal.


This pictures shows people of different skin color holding each other’s arms. The different skin tones represent different races which. Equality is symbolized in this picture because everyone is equal no matter what skin color they are.

science & technology

The hubble telescope is one of the most advanced pieces of technology that exist today. It is the pinnacle of modern engineering.

hard work

These two men are transporting an overflowing cart full of barrels. Because they dont have motor vehicles they resort to manual labor. This represents hard work because even though the pay they recieve for this job will likely be very low, they are still putting in a lot of effort to get it done.

By suhacho

Jay Kim & Daniel Pak

Science & Technology

Apple products represent Science & Technology because they represent new innovations that make life more convenient.

Romantic Love

This scene of dogs sharing spaghetti from the movie Lady and the Tramp represents romantic love because unintended kisses between two lovers is cute and romantic.

Achievement & Success

Harvard University represents achievement and success because getting accepted to this prestigious school is the goal of many teenagers.

Hard Work

This bodybuilder represents hard work because his body reflects the amount of work he put into lifting to become who he is.

Material Comfort

This first class airplane suite represents material comfort because everyone wants to relax in a personal suite on an airplane while eating a few gourmet meals and drinking glasses of wine.


This person, convicted of murdering his wife, being let out of prison for the first time in 25 years represents Freedom because this man finally gets to leave a confined cell after being wrongfully accused.

By jkim1111

Yae Won Kim & Yea In Kim

Hard Work

We chose a picture of an individual pushing a boulder up a hill. A key aspect of hard work is concentration and determination. The person is concentrating on putting all his efforts to acheive the ultimate goal of getting the extremely heavy boulder up the hill.

Science & Technology

We chose a picture of a satellite orbiting the Earth. The technology allows humans to observe Earth from outerspace, furthering our knowledge of the universe. This paticular field of science was unthinkable in the past decades.

Romantic Love

We chose a picture of a couple kissing. A key aspect of romantic love is the showing of affection through intimate sexual contact and ecstasy coming from the relationship. When people kiss, they overflow with happiness because they are proving their affection for each other.


We chose a picture of chains broken, symbolizing the person’s freedom. A key aspect of freedom is breaking from bondage and enjoying the happiness from being able to do what one wants.

Material Comfort

We chose a picture of a modern mansion. A key aspect of material comfort is luxury through expensive goods. Everyone dreams of living in a large house with a nice view, swimming pool, gym, and parking lot for a fancy car collection.


We chose a picture of an individual climbing up the steps of success. A key aspect of individualism is the idea of an individual rising to the top by his or herself.

By yaewonkim

Melody Magly and Heley Patel


We choose this picture because the ballerina stands out amongst the smoke, violent protestors, and angry bull. This sense of being yourself among a majority, angry or not, is a strong part of American values.


We choose this image because it shows how the different realms of education connect via ideas.

Hard Work

We choose this picture because it shows the struggle of starting from the bottom and wanting to arrive to America for greater opportunity. Also the ahrd work that comes with menial labor.

Achievement & Success

We choose this picture because the feat of graduating from an institution is a highly valued achievement in America.


This picture shows how Americans value their freedom of press and how they use it to combat political opinion.


The act of participating in a church choir gets people involved and more connected to their faith and the activities it entails.

Theo and Sean

Group Superiority

Group superiority is the belief that certain groups of people are better than others. Ku Klux Klan is representative of this idea because it holds that white people are superior over African Americans.