Alyssa Betancourt & Angela Park

Group Superiority

This picture shows a group of black ducklings who are all walking together. Meanwhile, a yellow duckling is alone yearning to be a part of their group. This represents group superiority because the black ducks are isolating the yellow duck for being different.

Achievement & Success

In this picture, the CEO of a company is shown in a meeting and the employees are looking up to him with respect. In the United States, people who hold a higher position in society usually have more wealth and are viewed as more successful.


In American society, education is viewed positively and kids are required to attend school by law. The picture depicts students from all backgrounds interacting with one another and enjoying themselves.


This picture shows a man alone in an office, working overtime at his job. He is displaying individualism because he chose to stay after hours to better himself.

Romantic Love

A man and a woman are shown tightly embracing each other in the pouring rain. Their eyes are locked and their facial expressions suggest that they are desperate lovers; a strong depiction of romantic love.

Science & Technology

A scientist is shown conducting research using a microscope. Without the technology of a microscope and other devices, many cures to illnesses and scientific discoveries would not exist; this is considered important to advance American society.

By apark191

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