Claudia Huerta, Andrea Gutierrez & Demetria Marshall


Americans value education strongly. The image above represents the importance of education because a professor is lecturing his students. Higher education is valued even more, which is why this picture of a typical college class fits the portrayal of the value of education.

“Material Comfort”

This picture of a living room depicts the value Americans have for material comfort. Americans value having the finer things in life and all the pleasures. The living room above has beautiful couches, a fireplace and a T.V., which shows material comfort.

“Achievement & Success”

Achievement and success is depicted in the photo above because a woman is seen crossing a finish line, which represents how after all her effort, she has reached her goal – her goal of being on top and winning.

“Efficiency & Practicality”

Efficiency and practicality has always been valued in America. The washer and dryer machine is a perfect example of accomplishing a job with minimum effort and time. Instead of washing articles of clothing by hand and hanging them to dry for a long time, the washer and dryer do the task for us.

“Hard Work”

In the movie The Pursuit of Happyness, Chris Gardner struggles through poverty and homelessness. However through his hard work as an unpaid intern, he is able to get the job position as a stockbroker. His effort and endurance is displayed throughout the whole movie, however the picture above is the ending scene when Chris rejoices his hard work and new job.

Arisdelsy Bruno & Andrea Rios


The picture shows a “different” girl on the far right. She is expected to follow the crowd but she decides to be different. This represents the ideal that Americans have to be their own person.


Romantic Love

This image accurately represents the major belief that you should marry or be with the person you love no matter who they are. Recently America has changed their laws to allow all people to be legally married no matter their gender. After all love always wins.


This image represents personal freedom because people are freely voicing their opinion on the president elect Donald Trump. They cannot be punished for expressing their dislike for this man because they are practicing their freedom of speech.

Group Superiority

The Ku Klux Klan is a great example of group superiority because it shows that not all values that Americans have are accepted by everybody. Some groups believed to be superior to other groups. In this case this one was white supremacy.

Efficiency & Practicality

The McDonald’s drive thru is a great example of Americans practicing efficiency. Americans are able to get food in a quicker and effective way. They save time which is something that they love to do because time is money.

Gina Garcia, Krishalei Locquiao, John Melizanis

“Romantic Love”

This image depicts the idea of romantic love. The old couple is shows affection through their emotions and actions and expresses how true love never dies.


This image displays how people may be individuals but they all connect to one another. No matter the differences, people may connect by their interests or backgrounds even though everyone is different and unique in their own way.

“Efficiency & Practicality”

This image shows that regardless of how many different endeavors you encounter, you need to be practical and efficient by balancing all the different tasks at hand.


The first image does not show equality, even though they all equally have one box to share because the youngest child cannot see. In the second picture, the individuals all have equal opportunity to watch the game. In the third picture, equality is also showcased, all three individuals are able to see the game with no support or accommodation.


This image showcases how the education system makes everything challenging. Students are required to meet certain expectations that are not possible. Every student learns in different ways, and expecting a student to learn the same as another may lead to them thinking they are not as smart as they are.

Tricialene Aubourg and Shakayla Greene


The Statue of Liberty represents freedom, and is a reminder of what our country went through. Freedom for everyone in America, that shows hope and the many different opportunities that can be found in this country.


Education is highly valued in America. In this photo it shows how these students are taking their school work very seriously. In America, the more education you have, the better.

“Science and Technology”

The ability to examine the human body while tending to other matters all from one location is game changing. For Americans this tool called technology is a necessity. It is convenient, inexpensive and hassle free.

“Achievement and Success”

Achievement and Success is what all Americans strive for, in this photo it shows a group of young adults graduating and throwing their caps. They have worked hard for four years and are being recognized. It is a new chapter in life and they are ready to take the next step.

“Efficiency and Practicality”

Americans are impatient making it challenging for one to notice change and work towards it. The beautiful homes we see are not built in a week. They take months, years even and the more they work the better their product is found to be.

Cindy Li, Nancy Ortega, and Noah Persaud


This picture represents the idea that even though people possess different physical traits and features, people are viewed equally, regardless of skin tone or gender. Although the elephant is bigger and heavier than the mouse, they are balanced on the scales because they are both animals. This same idea can be applied to people in America.

Hard Work

People in America value hard work because they understand that their efforts can make them successful. In the image, the man is placing the final puzzle piece and appears to be successful in doing so. Typically, people who are lazy and do not make an effort are the least successful. This value is taught to students in school in America.

Romantic Love

Red roses in American culture represent romantic love. Roses in American culture help represent a romantic vibe as it is usually given to a special someone in someone’s life. Also in American culture, it is standard for people to marry the person they are in love with.



Every American individual has the freedom to exercise their rights. In this political cartoon, people of different groups are lined up to voice their complaints. No matter how ridiculous the request or complaint is, every individual has the right to voice their opinions in America.

Achievement & Success

Americans view achievement and success based on an individual’s education level. The higher a person’s education is, the more successful he or she is expected to be. The image displays college graduates throwing their caps in the air to signify that they have completed their degree and are moving on to the next stage of their life.