Hyun Woo & Christopher 

Achievement & Success

This is a fine example of what success looks like, everyone is expected to become like Dr. Hall.

Efficiency and Practicality

This is a good example of what practicality is because it motivates people to do more of what they love and get better at it.

Material Comfort

This fine man is expressing material comfort by enjoying his ice cream while wearing a suit and proclaiming his love for his home.


This shows how Samsung and Apple are, at the end of the day both just equal smartphone manufacturers and the debate between which is better is stupid.

Group Superiority

Here we see a group of three players from squid games working together to survive. Each one of the players watched each other’s back and made sure everyone was alright.

Science and Technology

Technology has advanced so much to the point where money can now be transferred via virtual currency, in this image that beautiful currency is no other than Shiba/Doge coin. With a popular engineer, Elon Musk, in front of the currency.

Elianis Nina

efficiency & practicality

This image symbolizes a small shop/business owner which goes to show how when we set a goal in our life such as being successful in our career choice we work hard in order to not only achieve that goal but to use that opportunity to express who we are and our interests. Also, we work hard to achieve efficiency and make sure that what we are doing draws people’s attention and can help make a profit out of what we’re doing.

material comfort

This image represents how we find comfort in having money to the point where it is the only thing that makes us happy. Some people make it an obsession to earn a lot of money and be rich which can be a problem because it takes a toll on your mental status in many ways including lack of sleep and focus because you’re spending too much time stressing about money.


This image shows the statue of liberty which is a major symbol of freedom in America and serves as a symbol of not only freedom but also friendship and equality.


This image reprents how today in America we value everyone getting an equal opportunity at expressing and being proud of our identities and because of this flags like the pride flag and the BLM flag have been used as a reminder that we all matter and are loved because America is a nation that’s not made up of just one identity.

group superiority

This image represents how in America we see the ideal couple as a male and female and look down on or try to bring down same sex couples or couples of different genders and identities.


This image represents how in America going to school, finishing high school, and attending college is highly valued. We stress the importance of going into high ranked colleges.

Maya Magnuski, Christine Salazar, June-Soe


This image shows Spongebob unafraid of being himself in a large crowd, startling the people around him. This unapologetic individuality is just like the value millions of Americans hold. That lack of fear to stand out and to focus on the needs and wants of the individual is a highly held value in American society. He clearly does not care about the people around him in his effort to focus on himself and what he wants and values.

Efficiency & Practicality

This image is from an episode of Spongebob where King Neptune (the merman pictured) and Spongebob were competing in a Krabby Patty competition. King Neptune was able to make many in a short period of time using “magic”. This demonstrates how efficiency is rewarded. A “work smarter not harder” mentality is rather popular amongst Americans.

Material Comfort

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The image represents material comfort because Squidward clearly has excess capital that he can spend on his needs while having money left to splurge on luxurious goods. This demonstrates the comfortable lifestyle that many Americans aspire for.


Freedom is the ability to do things without restraint. The American Constitution gives people the freedom of speech, religion, assembly, and petition. Americans also often prefer a laissez-faire approach when it comes to the economy. Americans believe that they should be able to do what they want, whenever they want. This picture shows him having a good type without care, which shows how he is free.


This image is a picture of Spongebob ascending into heaven. This picture shows how Spongebob has found and embraces spiritual enlightenment. His connection to the metaphysical is very similar to the religious value many Americans hold. Americans, like Spongebob, embrace spirituality, and they find community in their religious organizations.

Romantic Love

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The image represents romantic love because Karen (the robot on the left) and Plankton (the plankton on the right) are clearly infatuated with each other. Despite the hardships they faced, Karen and Plankton faced them together and leaned on each other for support throughout the series. This demonstrates the type of relationship that many Americans aspire for.

Lenny Gutierrez

efficiency & practicality

I chose this picture because hard workers are required in our society for our society to work. We need them to keep certain parts moving and jobs.

science & technology

I chose this picture because science and technology shapes our society. We use our phones every day. We use computers every day and we have gotten to where we are with technology because of science and developing new technology.

material comfort

I chose this picture because material comfort is what we value that are physical items. In this picture a woman is buying a pair of heels for herself so she can look nice and the value of the shoes is important to her. She cares about how she looks to others.


I chose this because a balance is always good to define equality. We value equality although the world is not mostly equal no matter where you are. Equality is valued when it comes to race, gender, religion, etc. It doesn’t matter, but the ideal is that we should all be treated equal. I don’t mean a communist society just a more equal one.

group superiority

I chose this picture because in many schools group superiority would be considered the popular kids or the jocks. These kids in these schools would be considered the group superiority because everyone knows them and everyone may or may not listen to them. education

I chose this picture because many Americans go through the basic education up to high school and many decide to take it a step further and go to college for their profession. Many require education to even get a decent job in the US even if it it is just up to a high school diploma.

Charli Coward


This image perfectly represents individualism because in America this way of dressing completely disregards the norm. People dressing goth would be individualism because they are prioritizing how they want to dress rather than how society will feel or how much they’ll stand out.

science & technology

This image perfectly represents science and technology because a robot represents the use of both science and technology.

material comfort

This image perfectly represents material comfort because the person pictured is lounging with a cigar. Even though we cannot visually see his money or assets, cigars are commonly associated with wealthy men in America so we can infer that he is wealthy, or at least very comfortable.

group superiority

This image perfectly represents group superiority because it shows a group of people, at a table, smiling and sharing information with eachother. In America, people often tend to have group superirority at work.


This image perfectly represents education because it shows children in a classroom and it’s focused on one child raising their hand. In America, education is a focus for children ages 4-18 years old so that is why children in a classroom represent education.

romantic love

This image perfectly represents romantic value because it has two people facing one another. While you cannot see their faces, it is obvious that they share a certain connection with one-another especially due to the ombre sunset in the back which sets the mood.

Shallin Vasquez

Hard work

I think this image represents hard work because when you are working hard you have a lot of responsibility in your shoulders to succeed and his picture shows that because if he lets that rock go just for one second it will come on to of him and crush him.

science and technology

I think this image represents technology because it shows how humans are discovering new things, and how technology and humans are coming together.

Gabriela Cabrera


I selected this image because it shows a scale and a person on each end. To me, this represents how every person is worth the same and everyone is equal.

group superiority

I selected this image because the KKK is a good example of a group that believes that they are superior to the rest of society. 

Lovejoy, Nadia


This emphasizes how hard work is paid off to help you succeed in your goals in life. You need to be able to have an open mind and think big because if your closed minded then you will never be able to contract new information that can help you in the future. Hard work is very important in this lifestyle, because if you don’t show effort then you will just be useless and nobody would really want to be around you.

Efficiency and Practicality

This represents on how people at Footlocker or any shoe store are able to work fast with quality but be sensible at the same time. They also work off of commission. They have to be able to have communication skills and show that they can be efficient within difficult situations.


The image represents how people in society are able to come to America, also known as the Land of the Free to start a new life, be free and happy. They have better opportunities to become something meaningful in this country, compared to any other country.


This image shows how every one should be treated equal. Nobody should be treated differently. Based on how they look and how they identify.

Group Superiority

This image shows how one group believes that they are above one another. This usually happens when people feel like they can over.


In this image, this represents how society expects us to believe in some kind of religion, doesn’t matter what specific religion just as long as you have some kind of belief system.

Romantic Love

This is a picture of how in society if you’re married that means you’re in love. If you are not married, you’re not in love. Society has made it a big deal if you get married and have that American dream family with the mother and father and kids then you have made it in life, but in reality everything can be deceiving.

Yarimar Roldan

“Group Superiority”

I chose this image because it shows two groups. These two groups are very different, one is all women and one is all men. They are fighting to see which group is best and none one is working together. They want to see what group is superior and they are divided.

“Romantic Love”

I chose this image because Peter and Mj are two characters who are widely known for having strong romantic love for each other. There is a difference between platonic and romantic love but thier love is purely romantic and they have love for one another.

Justin Reyes


I picked this picture because it symbolizes free because they broke the chains.


I picked this picture because it shows him holding the Bible which means that he is religious.