Elianis Nina

efficiency & practicality

This image symbolizes a small shop/business owner which goes to show how when we set a goal in our life such as being successful in our career choice we work hard in order to not only achieve that goal but to use that opportunity to express who we are and our interests. Also, we work hard to achieve efficiency and make sure that what we are doing draws people’s attention and can help make a profit out of what we’re doing.

material comfort

This image represents how we find comfort in having money to the point where it is the only thing that makes us happy. Some people make it an obsession to earn a lot of money and be rich which can be a problem because it takes a toll on your mental status in many ways including lack of sleep and focus because you’re spending too much time stressing about money.


This image shows the statue of liberty which is a major symbol of freedom in America and serves as a symbol of not only freedom but also friendship and equality.


This image reprents how today in America we value everyone getting an equal opportunity at expressing and being proud of our identities and because of this flags like the pride flag and the BLM flag have been used as a reminder that we all matter and are loved because America is a nation that’s not made up of just one identity.

group superiority

This image represents how in America we see the ideal couple as a male and female and look down on or try to bring down same sex couples or couples of different genders and identities.


This image represents how in America going to school, finishing high school, and attending college is highly valued. We stress the importance of going into high ranked colleges.

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