
Achievement & Success

This photo represents achievement and success because it shows a man who appears to have achieved a goal and the people below him appluading him

Hard Work

This picture represents the value of hard working because the image shows a man on a computer doing some kind of work and it appears to be late at night. Him working during the night shows that he’s making sacrafices to get his work done thus demonstrating hard work.


This photo represents freedom because it shows a hair of hands that were in chain, until the were broken granting them freedom.



This photo represents equality because it shows evryone getting the same treatment. This is often confused with equity where everyone gets fair treatment.

Group Superiority

This image represents group superiority because it shows the KKK (a group of white supremacist) holding a black man in captive. They are using the fact that theres more of them to keep him in line.


This photo represents education because it shows a teach in a classroom instucting a class of children.


This phot reprsents religiosity because it shows a group of people prasing what it seems to be a high power. A very important value to many people to give them a peace of mind.

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