Edward Son and Ryan Chen


This man is the true representation of solidarity and individuality, getting to the top of the highest peak and looking down on the rest of the population. He is alone at the top because no one else can get to him, showing the peak form of a person’s individuality.

Hard Work

This image is the epitome of hard work for two simple reasons. The action of lifting up the stick by the ant requires a lot of effort, an indicator of someone working hard. Furthermore, the stick probably weighs quite a bit more than the ant, meaning that the ant’s work is exponentially harder.

Efficiency & Practicality

This man is multitasking, doing multipe things at once with multiple hands. Obviously, this isn’t realistic as humans don’t have four hands, but it’s a handy representation of work efficiency, getting done the most amount of tasks in the shortest amount of time.

Material Comfort

I believe many Americans are stuck when making decision to live a slow, comforting life, or to go for even more. Many have to choose between those two options, which is why I chose the picture with the two paths leading to different outcomes.


The most symbolic sign for finished education, the graducation cap is worn by most high schoolers in America to indicate a completiton of a cetain type of education. It is easily identified as a sign of education, which is why i chose it.


As the most popular and well known religious symbol in America is the cross, the cross being right behind the American flag seems like how religion is in our country today. Relgion is not required, but its influence still is still looming.

Romantic Love

The clearest indicator of innocent romantic love is holding hands. The basic touch and connection of two people/souls is shown through such an action, which is the first step to developing true romantic love.

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