Achievement & Success

In American culture, achievement and success is heavily attributed to finances. That is why this image is the example of achievement and success because it shows a man sitting on a pile of money.

Hard Work

Hard work is represented by the person climbing, while pushing the big boulder. Success is always achieved with hard work and dedication; this person shows that by pushing such a big boulder up a hill. The boulder represents the work and the incline of how difficult it is to achieve success.

Efficiency and Practicality

Efficiency and Practicality is about finding ways to complete a task as quickly as possible with minimal wasted effort. This picture shows that instead of sticking to one way of doing something,you find another way to do it faster and waste less time doing it.

Science & Technology

The depiction of a computer with the image seen on the microscope represents science and technology. The computer represents how science is fully developed through the use of extraordinary procedures with computer systems.


This image was chosen for equality as the union of the hands and the continents in the background represent union. Around the world we have many cultures that clash with ach other and help a country function as efficiently as possible.

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