Jack Morocho

Hard Work

The Value Hard Work represents hard work. This image represents this value because the man is pushing a big rock. He is putting a lot of effort into this that he does not give up. He has obstacles to face like him going up the hill, making it hard.


The Value Religiosity represents a strong religious belief or feeling. This image represents that because the man is praying with both hands together holding the bible. That is very religious.

Alejandra Medina

Group Superiority

This picture shows group superiority because it shows how some Americans like to be in control of what other people do. They always seem to be in other peoples business as a way to be in control. They denied the freedom and equality to other people just because they weren’t American.

Romantic Love

I believe that this pictures romantic love because is shows how much love there is between this couple. You can see how much they truly care and love each other through this picture.

Dorian Martin 

Science and Technology

I chose this image because I feel that it shows the technology we have, and how we use it to figure out about the Earth, which has to deal with the sciences. You can see how there is a grid over the Earth, our technology is scaling the world, before we get into detail about what’s actually on Earth.


I chose this because I feel that it better shows freedom than just the flag. It shows the freedom that a black man was able to become president and win two terms. That’s a different type of freedom, real freedom.

Hiba Eltigani

science and technology

Science and technology is important because it answers the problems and question we have about this world and the things in it.


I think education is important because it says a lot about how hard you can work, and how much you can accomplish if you put your mind to it.

Santiago Bedoya

science and technology

I feel like this image represents science and technology because it shows science like beakers and a scientist but in the background there is technological designs.


I feel like this image represents the value because it shows different skin colors fighting for equality.

Lydia Aubourg


I think this picture represents freedom because no one likes to be locked in a cage or to be told what to do. Being held back is suffocating, which is why freedom is an important value in the U.S. A theme in U.S History is freedom.

Romantic Love

I think this image represents this value because it shows how love is a big deal to people, it can make them feel like they’re in a fictional world and that they can conquer all.

Ali Aita

Efficiency and Practicality

Efficiency and Practicality is visible in the picture listed because of the fact the man has to do all these things within a short amount of time and because it’s a race against time he needs to be efficient in everything he is doing such as a morning routine, taking phone calls, and doing his job and he has to do this in a practical way.


Education is demonstrated in the image because the students are in a classroom environment paying attention to the teacher and raising their hands. All that is an example of learning and learning is a part of education as a whole.

Luis Abreu


I feel this picture represents equality perfectly because it has a lot of people of different backgrounds holding hands. Showing no matter how different everyone is, we can still come together.

Romantic Love

I feel like this picture repersents romantic love perfectly because it has a man on his knee, proposing to a women. Showing there love in each other, so much that there willing to get married to each other.

David, LaNee

Hard Work

Many people cannot bring themselves to work for their goals. In our country, to succeed is to work hard and overcome. In this image, we see someone walking up a set of stairs. They have a destination and are on their way to getting there.

Science & Technology

The value of science and technology in our world is more so the appreciation of “the question”. The search for truth and the discovery of something new. People love to find things out for themselves and to understand the world around them.


Freedom can easily be interpreted as “breaking free of chains; being set free”, which would explain all the images of hands breaking chains and birds flying out of cages. However, true freedom is the idea that at any moment you can do whatever you want to do without worrying that something will get in your way.


This image demonstrates equality in the most simple of terms. Similar images illustrate races and genders, but here it is just red and blue. The two circles can represent anything, all you need to know is that they are different, but are weighed the same.


Education is taken at face value as how smart a person is. In reality, education is the idea of understanding something with the help of others and then hopefully one day being able to pass that knowledge on to the next generation of learners to further the development of the information. It is about discussing things with others and having an open mind.


Religion is many things for different people. For some it is their way of understanding the world, for others it’s a way to relieve the stresses of daily life. Religion can be a positive thing and a negative thing. It is a way to bring people together and spread the idea of doing good in the world, like helping your neighbors and being charitable. On the other hand, people can easily become blinded by what they come to believe in, for example refusing to seek medical help for an illness because they trust in their faith.

Romantic Love

The American idea of love and romance eventually comes back into the concept of the “American Dream”. The textbook white picket fence and nuclear family that was popularized many years ago. People romanticise the lifestyle more than the relationship itself, and that is why many relationships in modern day don’t last as long as they once did, as illustrated in the image.